PLANTED Pledge 2018

Please fill out this form and click submit to pledge for Living Rock Church's PLANTED Campaign to make a significant leap forward from a “planting church” in rented facilities, to a “planted church” — established and flourishing in our own ground.
It is my/our intent, with the Lord's help, to financially commit to the PLANTED Campaign according to the following detail:
Please select one option.
I/We Understand:

• This commitment is over and above our regular giving.
• Living Rock Church treats this information with the same level of confidentiality as all other giving records.
• We will receive an annual accounting of this commitment and amounts contributed towards it.
• This commitment is not binding to Living Rock Church in the event my/our financial situation changes.
• Individual pledge information will not be given to the bank.
Please select all that apply.
*Outright gifts of appreciated assets, such as real property or stocks, if given directly to the church have the potential for significant benefit to the donor and/or the church. Normally all capital gains taxes can be avoided and the full current value of the asset may be tax deductible regardless of the amount originally paid for the asset. Please seek counsel from your financial advisors and confirm the church's willingness to accept the asset before making this type of gift.
Please select all that apply.


Please fill out this form and click submit to pledge for Living Rock Church's PLANTED Campaign to make a significant leap forward from a “planting church” in rented facilities, to a “planted church” — established and flourishing in our own ground.